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Brake Booster Brackets and Parts


Brake Light Switch with Fitting

This brake light switch is a must when modifying your brake system and no longer using the original brake light switch.



Brake Pedal Assembly, 90 Degree Under Dash Reverse Mount

90 degree under dash mount brake pedal assembly completely hides the master cylinder and /or power booster underneath your dash.


Brake Pedal Assembly, Thru Firewall, Universal

Universal brake pedal assembly available for Hot Rods, Street Rods and Classis trucks.


Brake Pedal Clevis

Brake pedal clevis fits all vehicles. Connects power booster or master cylinder push rod to brake pedal arm.


DELCO Power Brake Booster Pushrod

We carry individual Delco power brake booster pushrods for your customized conversion of your modern classic.


Heim Joint Rod Ends

These High quality pedal heims are great for that custom brake setup.


Power Brake Booster Boot

The brake booster boots are available for a variety of standard and custom applications.


Power Brake Booster Check Valve, Chrome
These items are a great compliment to your power brake booster. Available for Delco boosters only.

Power Brake Booster Mounting Bracket Kit, 1958-65 Chevy Impala

Power brake booster mounting bracket kit fits 1958-65 Chevy Impala, Belair, Biscayne and DelRay


Power Brake Booster Mounting Bracket Kit, 1958-65 Chevy Impala, Chrome

Chrome power brake booster mounting bracket kit fits 1958-65 Chevy Impala, Belair, Biscayne and DelRay


Power Brake Booster Mounting Bracket Kit, 1964-74 Chevy GM Car

Power brake booster mounting bracket kit fits 1964-72 Chevy Chevelle, GM A-Body, 67-69 Camaro Firebird and 68-74 Nova.


Power Brake Booster Mounting Bracket Kit, 64-74 Chevy GM Car, Chrome

Chrome power brake booster mounting bracket kit fits 1964-72 Chevy Chevelle, GM A-Body, 67-69 Camaro Firebird and 68-74 Nova.


Power Brake Booster Brackets and Parts

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